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Wadowicka 3B
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International 30-347
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548 jobs at Lufthansa
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Duale Schulung zur Verkehrspilot:in ATPL Programm
Bremen, Bremen Germany
Duales Studium Wirtschaftsinformatik (Hochschule RheinMain) – B. Sc. (m/w/d), Beginn August 2025
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/divers) - auch als Quereinstieg
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Head of Network & Products (m/f/diverse)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Werkstudent (m/w/divers)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Trainee Build Technician
London, England United Kingdom
Facharbeiter Strukturverarbeitung (m/w/divers) (mehrere Positionen)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Disassembly Technician
London, England United Kingdom
Fachkraft Werkzeugausgabe und Logistik (m/w/divers)
Munich, Bayern Germany
London, England United Kingdom
Cabin Crew Member - Teilzeit (40-90, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Wahlstation für Rechtsreferendare (m/w/divers) mit Schwerpunkt Arbeitsrecht
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Training for commercial pilot (m/f/d) ATPL program
Bremen, Bremen Germany
Basic Operations (Auftragsvorbereitung und KFZ Verwaltung) (m/w/divers) (mehrere Stellen)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Rechtsreferendar (m/w/divers) in der Rechtsabteilung der Delvag (Lufthansa Group)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Passenger Service Professional (m/f/diverse) (permanent, multiple positions)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
IT-Consultant (all genders) Retail
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Duales Studium Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (HAW) – B. Sc. (m/w/d), Beginn August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Duales Studium Mechatronik (HAW) – B. Sc. (m/w/d), Beginn August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ausbildung Kaufleute (m/w/d) für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistung Start August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ausbildung Fachkraft (m/w/d) für Lagerlogistik Start August 2025
Munich, Bayern Germany
Ausbildung Fachkraft (m/w/d) für Lagerlogistik Start August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ausbildung zum Kaufmann /-frau (all genders) für Digitalisierungsmanagement
Oldenburg, Niedersachsen Germany
Ausbildung Kaufleute (m/w/d) für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistung Start August 2025
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Ausbildung Fachkraft (m/w/d) für Lagerlogistik Start August 2025
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Duales Studium Luftfahrttechnik (TU Hamburg) – M. Sc. (m/w/d), Beginn August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker (all genders) für Anwendungsentwicklung
Oldenburg, Niedersachsen Germany
Mechaniker in der Fertigungstechnik oder als Metallflugzeugbauer (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Ausbildung Fluggerätmechaniker (m/w/d) Fertigungstechnik Start 2025
Munich, Bayern Germany
Ausbildung Fluggerätelektroniker (m/w/d) Start 2025
Munich, Bayern Germany
Ausbildung Fluggerätmechaniker (m/w/d) Instandhaltungstechnik Start 2025
Munich, Bayern Germany
Customs Agent / Zollagent (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Certifying Staff CAT B1 oder Certifying Staff CAT B2 (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Certifying Staff CAT A (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
SAP Consultant (all genders) CRM
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Microsoft Azure Cloud Solution Architect (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
SAP Analytics Consultant (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
SAP Enterprise Architect (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
SAP Development Consultant (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Techniker für Flugsimulationsgeräte (m/w/divers)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Security Berater (all genders) Informationssicherheitsmanagement
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Kundenberater für Versicherungen und Vorsorgelösungen (m/w/d)
Darmstadt, Hessen Germany
Fluggerätmechaniker / Fluggeräteelektroniker (A320 Certifying Staff CAT A) (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Industrial Operative
London, England United Kingdom
Fluggeräteelektroniker (m/w/divers) - A320 Certifying Staff CAT B2
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
A320/B737 hangárkarbantartásban tapasztalt repülogépszerelo
Budapest, Budapest Hungary
Cabin Crew Member (100, permanent, all genders) with flight experience
Munich, Bayern Germany
B1/B2 Certifying Technician (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Fachkraft Baggage (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Projektleiter in der Logistik (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ausbildung Oberflächenbeschichter (m/w/d) für Fluggeräte und deren Komponenten Start August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ausbildung Werkzeugmechaniker (m/w/d) für Fluggeräte und deren Komponenten Start August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ausbildung Fluggerätmechaniker (m/w/d) Instandhaltungstechnik Start August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ausbildung Fluggerätmechaniker (m/w/d) Triebwerkstechnik Start August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ausbildung Zerspanungsmechaniker (m/w/d) für Fluggeräte und deren Komponenten Start August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Kundenberater für Versicherungs- und Vorsorgelösungen von Lufthansa-Mitarbeitenden (m/w/d)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Facharbeiter Mechanik (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Logistiker (m/w/divers) - auch als Quereinstieg
Munich, Bayern Germany
Mechatroniker (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Cabin Crew Member (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Trainer für Avionic Grundlagen (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Certifying Technician CAT B1 (m/w/divers)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Captain (100, all genders) A320 (type-rated or non-type-rated) based in Munich
Munich, Bayern Germany
Certifying Technician CAT B2 (m/w/d)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Ausbildung Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d) in München ab 2025
Munich, Bayern Germany
Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d) in Frankfurt ab 2025
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Product Owner (all genders) - Hybrid
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Mechaniker für Crewsitz-Instandhaltung (m/w/divers) (mehrere Positionen)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Mechaniker im Bereich der Instandhaltung von Flugzeugbauteilen (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Developer iOS
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Berater (all genders) HR IT - Zeitwirtschaft
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Rechtsreferendariat bei Human Resources mit Schwerpunkt Arbeitsrecht (Wahlstation)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Ausbildung zum/zur Hotelfachmann/-frau (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Fachkraft für die Konfiguration von Triebwerksbauteilen (m/w/divers) (mehrere Positionen)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Penetration Tester (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Fluggerätmechaniker / Fluggeräteelektroniker (A320 Familiy Certifying Staff CAT A) (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Trainer für Avionic Grundlagen (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultant (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Elektroniker für Komponenten in der Flugzeugkabine (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
SAP Berater (all genders) modulübergreifend
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Techniker für Flugsimulatoren und Sichtsysteme am LAT Standort Frankfurt
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Trade Compliance Officer
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Meister im Triebwerksbereich (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Referent System & Software Development Optimization (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
eCommerce Coordination Agent (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Ausbildung Fachinformatiker:in für Anwendungsentwicklung (all genders) ab August 2025
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Allrounder im Medical Operation Center (m/w/d) / Nicht-ärztlicher Dienst
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
IT Consultant SAP Personalsysteme (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Elektroniker (w/m/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Crew Systems Developer (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Sachbearbeiter Transportmangement in der Luftfahrtlogistik (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Passenger Service Professional (m/f/diverse) (permanent, multiple positions)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Head of Controlling (all genders)
Cape Town, Western Cape South Africa
General Cleaning Operative
London, England United Kingdom
Webinar Trainer/Dozent für Farelogix Sprk (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Fachkraft (m/w/divers) in der Luftfahrtlogistik in Vollschicht (24/7)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Lehrlingsausbildner:in (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Quereinstieg: Mechaniker/Elektroniker im Bereich Flugzeuginstandhaltung bei Lufthansa (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
MCC - Short Planning
Milan, Italy International
Rechtsreferendariat Anwaltsstation / Wahlstation (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Schutz und Sicherheit (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Schutz und Sicherheit (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Fluggeräteelektroniker (m/w/divers) - A330/A340/A350/B747/B777/B787 Certifying Staff CAT B2
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Quereinstieg: Mechaniker/Elektroniker im Bereich Flugzeuginstandhaltung (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Mechaniker im Bereich Kabine (m/w/divers) (mehrere Stellen)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Fluggerätmechaniker der Fachrichtung Fertigungstechnik (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Duales Studium Wirtschaftsinformatik (FH Wedel) – M. Sc. (m/w/d) Beginn August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Duales Studium IT Sicherheit (FH Wedel) – M. Sc. (m/w/d) Beginn August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Fluggerätmechaniker (m/w/d) - A330/A340/A350/B747/B777/B787 Certifying Staff CAT B1
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Security Support (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Security Support / Werkschutzmitarbeiter (m/w/d)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Lehrling Mechatronik - Fertigungstechnik (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Austria International
Penetration Tester (all genders)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
SAP Development Consultant (all genders)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Security Berater (all genders) Informationssicherheitsmanagement
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Coordinator Aircraft Tools
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
SB2 Betriebsmittelinstandhaltung (Mechanik) (m/w/divers) (mehrere Positionen)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Technischer Mitarbeiter SMT/ SMD (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Central RPA developer
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Technischer Mitarbeiter/ Lötfachkraft in der THT (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Elektrotechniker für Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP) (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Elektroniker für Geräte und Systeme (Elektronik/Mechanik) (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Kaufmännischer Mitarbeiter im Einkauf in Teilzeit (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Mitarbeiter Prüffeld Elektronik (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Mitarbeiter Reparatur Elektronik (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Mitarbeiter in der Montage (Elektronik/Mechanik) (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Facharbeiter Triebwerke für Chemische Reinigung und Rissprüfung (w/m/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Lehre Luftfahrzeugtechnik (all genders)
Vienna, Wien Austria
Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik - Wareneingang & Warenausgang (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Ausbildung zum Industriemechaniker (w/m/d) für Fluggeräte und deren Komponenten
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Ausbildung Elektroniker (w/m/d) für Geräte und Systeme für Fluggeräte und deren Komponenten
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Teamlead Crew Control (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Mitarbeiter:in Crew Control & Ops Desk (80-100, all genders)
Vienna, Austria International
SAP Application Support & Trainer
London, England United Kingdom
Future Business Model Stream Driver (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
HR Generalist (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Strategic purchasing intern
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Flight Instructor, 60-100 (m/f/diverse)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Fahrzeug- und Gerätemechaniker/-Elektriker (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Werkstudent (m/w/d) Produktionsplanung Elektronik
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Jobcard and technical documentation intern
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Warehouse logistics specialist (m/f/diverse) - also as lateral entry
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Head of IT & Process (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Servicemitarbeiter (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Chef de partie (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Commis de cuisine (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Werkschutzaußendienst (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Quereinstieg Werkschutzfachkraft München (m/w/divers) (mehrere Stellen)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Werkschutzmitarbeiter operative Sicherheit (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Front Desk Agent (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Werkstudent im operativen Einkauf (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Speditionskaufmann/-kauffrau Schwerpunkt AOG (m/f/divers)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Arzt für Arbeitsmedizin mit Begeisterung für flugmedizinische Themen (m/w/divers)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Ausbildung zum/zur Koch/Köchin (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Werkstudent:in Culture & Continuous Improvement (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Referent Airline Solutions LH Group (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Data Protection Assignee / Process Architect (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Rotor/Module Shop Technician
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Infrastructure Employee, hourly paid (m/f/diverse)
Zurich, Zurich Switzerland
Ausbildung zum Medizinischen Fachangestellten (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Projektingenieur für Werkzeugmaschinen (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Fast Track Upgrade to Captain (all genders)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Head of IT-Controlling (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Sachbearbeiter Buchhaltung (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Flugzeuglackierer (m/w/d)
Berlin, Berlin Germany
Referent Transformation & Change (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Head of Continuous Improvement (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
International Contractor Strategy Expert
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Facharbeiter Lackieren (m/w/divers) (mehrere Positionen)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Kantinenmitarbeiter (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Technical Data Entry Intern
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Gestionnaire de Comptes Clés Pour les Services de Réparation de Moteurs
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Referent Testmanagement (m/w/d)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
IT Security Consultant in Aviation (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Cyber Security Analyst (Web & eCommerce Platforms) (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Spezialfacharbeiter Lack (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Referent Prozessoptimierung (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Produktionsplanung/Operation Support (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Allrounder Disposition (m/w/d) (mehrere Stellen)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Austrian Travel Assistant (all genders)
Vienna, Wien Austria
Ground Support Technician (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
REF 3 Process Development (m/w/divers) (mehrere Positionen)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Sous Chef (all genders)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Teammitarbeiter Betriebsrestaurant / Küchenhilfe (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Teammitarbeiter Betriebsrestaurant / Küchenhilfe (all genders)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Küchenleiter Trainee (all genders)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Storeman Technical Warehouse (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Referent Finanz- und Rechnungswesen (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Ingenieur für Instandhaltungsplanung & Standards (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Referent Controlling
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Cabin Technician (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Meister Reinigung und Rissprüfung (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Kleingerätemechatroniker / Servicetechniker (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Werkstudent (w/m/divers) in der MRO-Plattform Data Community
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Talent Acquisition Intern
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Fluggerätmechaniker der Fachrichtung Fertigungstechnik (m/w/divers)
Berlin, Berlin Germany
Referent Produktmanager Gerätemodifikation (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Referent OEM Kooperationen (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Technischer Sachbearbeiter / Technical Expert (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Teamleiter IT Infrastructure (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Verfahrensmechaniker für Beschichtungstechnik (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Legal Counsel (m/f/diverse)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Data Analytics Architecture Consultant (m/f/diverse)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Professional Infrastructure (Board member driver) (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Business Development Executive
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Techniker:in Avionic Werkstatt (all genders)
Vienna, Wien Austria
Sous Chef (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Social Media Working Student (all genders)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Experte für Arbeitsplanung & Projekte (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Meeting Purser (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Referent IT Projektleitung Prozessmanagementsystem (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Sachbearbeitung Key Account (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Head of Crew Control (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Fachinformatiker Daten- und Prozessanalyse oder für Systemintegration (m/w/d)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Auditor Air Operations (all genders)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Medical Training Instructor (Freelance, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
IT intern
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Backend Developer (m/f/d)
Frankfurt, Hessen Germany
Leiter:in Büro Koblenz (Referent:in Allgemeine Beratung & Strategie) (m/w/d)
Koblenz, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany
Control center technician (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Mechaniker für die Reparatur von Triebwerksteilen (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Quality and Safety Engineer L1/L2
London, England United Kingdom
Senior Data Engineer AVIATAR
Valencia, Valenciana Spain
Senior Cloud Engineer AVIATAR
Valencia, Valenciana Spain
(Senior) Data Engineer (m/f/diverse) AVIATAR
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Duales Studium Elektro- und Luftfahrttechnik (HSRM) – B. Eng. (m/w/d), Beginn August 2025
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Werkstudent Controlling im Segment Engine (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Quality Engineer
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Senior Data Engineer (all genders)
Berlin, Berlin Germany
Technical Support Engineer (Level 1)
London, England United Kingdom
Duales Studium IT Engineering (FH Wedel) – M. Sc. (m/w/d) Beginn August 2025
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Software Engineer (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Aircraft Engineer - Jobcard Preparation
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
A&P Line Inspector (Mobile Engine Services)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Senior Referent UX/UI Design (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Ingenieur MRO Production Engineering (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Relief Engineer
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Product Line Engineer
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Customer Engineer
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Systems Engineer (m/w/divers) – Crew Training & Learning Systems
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
DevOps Engineer
Tirana, Tirana Albania
Tooling and Equipment Engineer
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Customer Engineer
Dubai, Dubayy United Arab Emirates
Aircraft Engineer B1 / B2 (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Engineer, (Engine Type)
Rzeszow, Podkarpackie Poland
Practical Trainer Emphasis Training (Aircraft Engineer B1/B2) (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Aircraft Engineer B1/B2 (100, all genders)
Geneva, Geneve Switzerland
Execution Planning Engineer
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Werkstudent Production & Component Engineering (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Sales Support / Vertriebsunterstützung (m/w/d)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Sales Manager (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Sales & Business Development Manager (m/w/diverse)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
E-Commerce Manager - Partnerships & Digital Sales (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Sales Strategy Manager Engine Services (m/f/diverse)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Manager, Sales & Client Management Australia & Pacific
Sydney, New South Wales Australia
Sales Analyst
Paris, Ile-De-France France
(Senior) Controller
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland
Compliance Manager (Ground Operations)
Brussels, Brussels Belgium
Direct Entry Senior Cabin Crew Member (60-100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
(Senior) Consultant (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Senior Risk Assessment Manager (m/w/divers) am Standort HAM / MUC
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
IT-Projektleiter (all genders) Supply Chain Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Supervisor F&B (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Bankett Manager (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Aircraft Loading Supervisor (Ramp Agent) (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Aircraft Maintenance Supervisor
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Operations Manager Customer Onboarding (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Application Manager - Crew Management Prozesse (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Manager IT (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Manager Strategic Procurement IT & Managed Services
Brussels, Brussels Belgium
Operations Manager (m/f/diverse)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Strategy Manager – Data
London, England United Kingdom
Strategy Manager – Market Intelligence
London, England United Kingdom
Shop Manager
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico International
Team Lead Application Management (m/f/diverse)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Supply Chain Manager
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Senior Expert Safety Management & Flight Data Monitoring (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Application Manager - Crew Management Prozesse (m/w/d)
Munich, Bayern Germany
(Senior) Consultant Airline Revenue Management & Pricing (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Strategic HR Leadership Partner (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Manager Passenger Rights (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Lufthansa Group Station Manager BER (all genders)
Berlin, Berlin Germany
Senior Data Scientist (all genders)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Senior Lead Future Workforce Stream Driver (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Manager Finanzen und Projekte (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
AIRcelerate - Duales Aviation Management Bachelorstudium (all genders)
Vienna, Wien Austria
MRO Project Manager
London, England United Kingdom
Senior Certifying Staff - CAT B2 (all genders)
Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
(Junior) Process Architect – Employee Lifecycle Management Competence Center
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland
Invoicing Manager (m/w/divers)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Aviation Regulations Manager - Focus Information Security (m/w/d)
Munich, Bayern Germany
(Junior / Senior) Application Manager with focus on ABAP development (m/f/diverse)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Hub Manager Fachlagerist (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Senior People Business Partner (all genders) - Limited Contract
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Duales Studium General Management (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Senior Manager Finance and Business Administration Middle East, North Africa & Turkey
Cairo, Al Qahirah Egypt
Process Manager Order-to-Cash Management (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Manager Data Protection (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
(Senior) Technology Consultant Low Code (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Manager Corporate Customers & Programs (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Multi Provider Manager (all genders)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Senior Expert Distribution Solutions (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Executive Project Manager – Information Management (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Manager MRO Technology & Projects (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Account Manager
London, England United Kingdom
Air Cargo Supervisor
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Senior Manager Finance and Business Administration Eastern Europe (m/f/d)
Warsaw, Mazowieckie Poland
Key Account Manager for Engine Repair Services
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Social Media Manager (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Senior Expert Touristic Revenue Management & Pricing (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Account Manager
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
(Senior) Manager Data Analyst / Data Analytics (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
(Senior) Manager Data Analyst / Data Analytics (m/w/divers)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Group Manager Facility Operations & Compliance (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Senior HR Business Partner (all genders), vorerst befristet für 2 Jahre
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Operations Manager - Customs (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Executive Office and Strategic Analysis Manager
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland
Lead Office Agent
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Manager Training, Processes & Customer Excellence (m/f/diverse))
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
IT Manager — Strategy & Process Optimization (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
(Senior) Manager Solution Design and Business Development (m/f/diverse)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Lean Manager (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Commercial Manager (Engine type)
Rzeszow, Podkarpackie Poland
Customer Relations Manager (all)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Concept Manager Hospitality Training, 80 (m/f/d)
Zurich, Zurich Switzerland
Senior Expert Station Management (all genders)
Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
Head of Production Management (PM) (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Manager Crew Control (Trainingsplanung) (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
AOG (aircraft on ground) Desk Manager (all)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Transfer Pricing Manager (m/w/diverse)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Senior Expert Software Development - Frontend (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Lufthansa Group Station Manager DUS (all genders)
Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
Duty Station Manager
Nice, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur France
Duty Station Manager
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Customer Services Manager (Open Loop)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Key Account Manager (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Senior Project Manager für Strategie und Digitale Transformation in der IT (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Senior HR Consultant Chicago, Cargo
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Procurement Tools Manager
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland
Manager Einkauf und Controlling (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Environment, Health and Safety Program Manager
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Senior Referent Finanz- und Rechnungswesen (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Key Account Manager
Bangalore, Karnataka India
Manager Data Protection & Legal (m/f/diverse)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Analyst Revenue Management (m/w/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Customer Service Consultant - French Market - XR Cape Town
Cape Town, Western Cape South Africa
Customer Service Consultant - English Market - XR Cape Town
Cape Town, Western Cape South Africa
Customer Service Agent - Lounge (Werkstudent)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Customer Service Agent - Lounge (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Retail Lead Generation Specialist (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Specialist Controlling and Reporting
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland
Customer Service Agent (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Talent Acquisition Specialist – 2 years Maternity Cover
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Working Student HR & Admin (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Sachbearbeiter Examination Management und Customer Service (m/w/divers) (mehrere Positionen)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Flight Operations Administrative Assistant
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Customer Service Specialist
London, England United Kingdom
IT Governance Specialist (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Security Operations Support Specialist
Tirana, Tirana Albania
Marketing Analyst, Logistics
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Payroll & HR Services Specialist
Solna, Stockholms Lan Sweden
Customer Service Support MRO
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Administrative Assistant
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Customer Service Agent
Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa
IT-Specialist Infrastructure (m/w/d)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Business Analyst Corporate Controlling (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Payroll & HR Services Specialist (part time, 50)
Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv Israel
Expert ATO Administration (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
People Operations Specialist (m/f/d)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
IT Support- Windows Packaging Specialist
Tirana, Tirana Albania
Logistics Specialist
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Aircraft Painter & Components (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Paint Sprayer
London, England United Kingdom
Paint Strip Technician
London, England United Kingdom
CNC Turner
London, England United Kingdom
Logistics Coordinator
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Strategic Buyer IT/ Licenses & Data/Payment Procurement
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland
Materials and Tools coordinator for Line Maintenance
Sofia, Bulgaria International
Material Coordinator
London, England United Kingdom
Speditionskaufmann/-kauffrau Aftermarket/Spare Parts Logistics (m/f/divers)
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen Germany
Tool Crib Technician
San Juan, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Material Planner - AMS Maternity Cover
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Strategic Buyer
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Tool Crib Technician
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Composite Spezialist (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Software Developer Logistics Tools Development Team (80-100)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Controller (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Accounts Payable Accountant
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Controller (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Controller Produktion Elektronik (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Accounts Payable Data Entry Clerk
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Automation Analyst - Revenue Accounting (80-100, all genders)
Basel, Basel-Stadt Switzerland
(Junior) Airport Cost Controller
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland
(Junior) Accountant
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland
Business Controller (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Pilot-Fixed Wing
First Officer (100, all genders)
Zurich, Zurich Switzerland
Direct Entry First Officer A320 (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Ready Entry First Officer A320 (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
First Officer - A320 type-rated (100, permanent, all genders)
Munich, Bayern Germany
First Officer (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Direct Entry First Officer A330 (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Electronics technician (f/m/diverse)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Aircraft Electronics Technician for VIP aircraft (m/f/diverse) CAT B2
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Electronics Technician for VIP Aircraft (f/m/diverse)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Electronics Technician (Avionics)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Aircraft Mechanic (m/f/d) - A320 Certifying Staff CAT B1
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Aircraft Maintenance Assistant (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Simulator and Aircraft Maintenance Assistant (m/w/divers) (mehrere Positionen)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Certifying Mechanic CAT A (m/w/divers)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Senior Aircraft Mechanic
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Aircraft Mechanic
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Engine Shop Mechanic (Mobile Engine Services)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Expert im Maintenance Control Center (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Expert on Duty Maintenance Control Center (all genders)
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Qualified B1/B2 Aircraft Technician
Brussels, Brussels Belgium
Assistant MHS/Facility Mechanic
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Aircraft Component Technician
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Line Maintenance Mechanic
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Technical Instructor Type Training (m/f/diverse)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Aircraft Maintenance Assistance (100, all genders)
Vienna, Wien Austria
Entwicklungsingenieur Mechanical Systems (m/w/divers)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Technical Representative Base Maintenance (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Head of Finance (all genders)
Baden-Baden, Baden-Wurttemberg Germany
Financial Accounting Specialist with German
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland
Procurement Training Expert
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Finance Specialist
Mexico City, Federal District Mexico
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations Developer (all genders)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Operations Service Agent (OSA) (m/w/d)
Berlin, Berlin Germany
Employee in Dispatch Department (100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Contract Jobs (
Internship Human Resources (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Praktikum im Bereich Special Aircraft Services
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship People Attraction, Recruitment & Development
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Environmental, Health and Safety Intern
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Praktikant (m/w/divers) im Bereich Rooms Division
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Praktikant (m/w/divers) im Bereich Veranstaltungsverkauf
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Praktikum im Bereich Projektmanagement
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Data & Innovation Strategy
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Internship Communication
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Internship Strategy & Digital Transformation
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Production Planning and Steering
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Internship Corporate Research & Innovation
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Praktikant Employer Branding & Talent Acquisition (m/w/d)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Praktikant Prozessoptimierung (m/w/d)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Internship Field of Digitization
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship in Industry Development
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Training & Personnel Development
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Workforce Transformation
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Production & Aircraft Technology
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Corporate Culture LH Group
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Strategic Purchasing
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Customer Experience Lufthansa Cargo
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship People Attraction, Recruitment & Development
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Strategic Projects
Munich, Bayern Germany
Internship Strategy Implementation
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Process Optimization VIP & Special Mission Aircraft
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Operational Controlling (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Praktikant (m/w/divers) im Bereich Human Resources
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship in Ground Operation
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Central Controlling (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Praktikum im Bereich Recruiting
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship New Cabin Introduction (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Communication
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Praktikum im Bereich Young Talents
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship in Aircraft Data Analytics (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Training/ HR Development/ Adult Education
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Innovation Communication & Events
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Recruiting
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Hub Operation MUC
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Cabin Digital Innovations (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Fulfillment, Audit & Fraud Prevention (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Jahrespraktikum Cabin Crew Recruiting & Talent Scouting (12 Monate, 80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Legal Department
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship in Treasury & Taxation (limited 6-8 months, 80-100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Employee Experience (limited 6–11 months, 60–100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Ops Steering Competence Center Lufthansa Group (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Staff Travel & Interline (limited 10-11 months, 40-60, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Sommerpraktikum in der Austrian Airlines TechOps (all genders)
Vienna, Wien Austria
Internship in Data Analytics & Visualization (limited 6-9 months, 70-100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Sales - Key Account Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Praktikant (m/w/divers) im Bereich Sales & Marketing
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Marketing and Sales Support Intern
Mexico City, Federal District Mexico
Internship Corporate Sales
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Jahrespraktikum New Business und SME Sales (80-100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Touristic Sales CH (limited 6-8 months, 80-100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship in Internal Sales Communication (limited 6 months, 100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Area Management Home Markets (Sales)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Supply Chain Analysis Intern
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Air Freight Logistics Internship
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Materials Management
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Central Materials Technology Department
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Praktikum im Bereich Shop Logistics
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Central Materials Technology
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Logistics
Munich, Bayern Germany
Internship Logistics
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Aircraft Handling and Baggage Logistics
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Project Work and Digitization in Materials Management
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Logistics
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Logistics Specialist Intern
Sofia, Sofiya Bulgaria
Internship Marketing Strategy & Delivery
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Marketing
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, Germany International
Internship Product Management Airport Customer & Baggage Service Solutions
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Praktikum im Bereich Marketing (m/w/divers)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Jahrespraktikum im Bereich Marketing (Schülerpraktikum / Fachabitur)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Communication & Marketing in Data and Analytics Department
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Intern in Network & Fleet Management (m/w/d) - 6 months-
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Operational Excellence and Lean Management
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Project Management Product Development Cabin Systems
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Change & Communication Management
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship in Lufthansa Group Idea Management- Data Analysis and Business Intelligence
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Cabin Line Management (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Project Management
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Praktikum im Bereich Social Media Management
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Central Project Management
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Project Management Digitization
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Praktikant (m/w/divers) im Bereich Customer Experience Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Key Account Management Team APAC
Singapore, Singapore Singapore
Internship Global Supply Chain Project Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Customer Information Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Supply Chain Management (Closed Loop)
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Revenue Management
Munich, Bayern Germany
Internship Corporate Real Estate Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Logistics Management for the Lufthansa Group
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Praktikant Crew Management Systeme Jeppesen (m/w/d)
Munich, Bayern Germany
Internship Transport Concepts and Project Management
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Insider & Threat Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Communication and Change Management
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Leadership Development
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship HR Management Cabin
Munich, Bayern Germany
Internship in Hospitality & Catering Management
Munich, Bayern Germany
Internship Project Management
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Talent Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Jahrespraktikum Uniform Management (40-100, alle Geschlechter)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Jahrespraktikum Cabin Management: Cabin Management Office (40-100, alle Geschlechter)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Lean Management & Warehouse Strategy
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship in (Key) Account Management Engine Parts
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship IT Project Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Project Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Network Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Revenue Management
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Change Management and Internal Marketing
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Network Management
Munich, Bayern Germany
Internship HR Management Cockpit and Cabin Crews
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Engineering (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Area of Engine parts repair
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship in Data Engineering & Analytics (limited 6-9 months, 70-100, all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
Internship Commercial Support for Aircraft Maintenance
Berlin, Berlin Germany
Internship Procurement
Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
Internship Offer Pricing Austria (all genders)
Krakow, Malopolskie Poland, International Poland
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